Benefits for health and well-being provided by massages. Among all treatments for the body and soul, massages are considered the most popular, Warsaw is famous for its excellent masseurs who use their hands to influence tissues and organs by means of pressure, rubbing, tapping and kneading. With every touch of an experienced masseur, the body feels better, revitalized and younger.
What are massages – what are the health benefits?
Massage is one of the few wellness treatments that is pleasant and relatively painless. Even a slight pressure and tingling sensation during the session are perceived differently. The benefits of body massage are comprehensive, it is rest and regeneration of the whole body, it is absolutely harmless effect on the most sensitive points of the body. Even people without health problems are delighted with the relaxing treatment.
Massages are performed on various parts of the body on:
- The back
- Shoulders
- The legs
- Shoulders
- Head
- Face and so on.
Either way, the result of this process is the same, ie renewal and relaxation for the whole body.
What are the benefits of body massage?
A great advantage is the full body massage, it is a series of treatments that includes massage of the arms, legs and feet, back and neck, face and head, as well as the chest and back. It targets the entire body and its action is expected to be complex. During this massage, tension is completely removed from the body, blood circulation is restored, metabolic processes are improved, and vigor and strength appear. In everyday life, it is very difficult to completely relax: during such a massage in Warsaw, every cell of the body rests so that later it can work with new strength.
General massage is useful for almost all human organs and systems: after a good, professional session, everyone feels as if they were born again. The benefits of massage for the body are multifaceted, therefore it is recommended for both healthy people and those with health problems.
Types of massage – examples
- Relaxing massage – great relaxation and pleasure. It provides great relaxation, eliminating signs of fatigue and stress. The body gradually relieves tension, allowing the muscles to rest. A relaxing massage in Warsaw is very gentle, it removes headaches and improves your well-being.
- Hot stone massage – is performed with the help of special volcanic stones that slowly cool down. These stones contain a huge amount of beneficial micro and macro elements, magnesium, iron.
- Ayurvedic massage has many functions. It can be effective in draining the body, strengthening and firming muscles, and is especially recommended for the elimination of cellulite, local obesity, atony and stretch marks. It aims to restore harmony and balance between the mind and body.
- Shiatsu massage is a Japanese acupressure technique that has ancient roots and affects the flow of energy in a person. It is based on perpendicular pressure and supported by continuous pressure with your thumbs, fingers, elbow, feet along the flow of energy or in specific areas of the body. Shiatsu massage in Warsaw helps to harmonize the body, it is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress, and it removes all problems related to the contractures of the head, neck and muscles.
- Shirodhara massage is a practice of Ayurvedic origin, its name means body and soul. The treatment consists of a relaxing massage of the whole body with warm oil, all this creates deep relaxation.
- Anti-cellulite massage affects blood circulation, relaxes tense muscles and tones the tissues. Slow massage relaxes and supports tissue drainage, quick massage revives and revitalizes eliminating fatigue.
The benefits of skin massage
The main influence of massage in Warsaw concerns the skin and affects its condition. It is especially useful for people whose skin gradually loses its elasticity, becomes dry and has lost its tone. The main physiological effects of massage on the skin are:
- Cleansing dead, calloused cells
- Blood circulation stimulation
- Improving the work of sebum and sweat secretion
- Oxygenation of the skin
- Prevention and treatment supporting cellulite, stretch marks, acne, varicose veins.
The benefits of massage for the nervous system
Even the happiest person’s life is full of stress. Stress is not only nervousness, hard mental and physical work. The most common processes are associated with this phenomenon, getting up in the morning, improper nutrition, insufficient sleep, physical activity. The skin is connected to all nerve endings and has the desired effect on it. When it comes to the benefits of massage in Warsaw for the nervous system, mention should be made of:
- Improved conduction of nerve endings
- Calming down or stimulating the nervous system
- Relief of pain and nervous tension.
Benefits of muscle massage
People who exercise regularly and who are not involved in sports are advised to massage to improve muscle flexibility. Most importantly, it happens without the unpleasant secretion of lactic acid, which results in the so-called delayed muscle soreness. Offered massages in Warsaw relieve pain and tension both after training and after sitting, monotonous work. The benefits of massage for women include the effect on muscle tension, contractions and relaxation. There are many positive effects of massage on the muscles, such as: recovery of muscle function after intense training and improvement of joint mobility.