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Photovoltaics how much electricity will be produced per year

Photovoltaic installations are currently widely advertised, recommended and financially subsidized. Many people use it very readily, but there are also those who are quite skeptical about it. They assume that if something is heavily promoted, subsidized and advertised, it is a kind of product that may be nicely packaged, but it is probably a pity for it. If we would like to convince such people, we should answer the question regarding photovoltaics: how much electricity will photovoltaics produce per year?

Photovoltaics: How much electricity will it produce per year?

The question of how much photovoltaic will produce electricity per year is quite often asked, but it is difficult to answer it unambiguously, because how much electricity will be produced by photovoltaics per year is influenced by many factors. First of all, we should not ask how much electricity will be produced by solar farm per year, but rather, we should ask a different question. Will the photovoltaic installation be able to cover our electricity demand on a yearly basis, because these are two quite different issues .The first thing is that few of us really know how much electricity our household consumes per year. This is important because we have to look at the whole year in a very broad perspective.

There are months when we use a lot of electricity. There are also months when we use it a lot. An extreme example of this type of situation is a house or apartment that is heated by electricity. In summer, we use less lighting and, above all, we don’t heat the house. In winter we use more lighting and our electric heating works very intensively. The measurement results from these two periods can be radically different. Therefore, when we want to estimate what is the most beneficial photovoltaic installation for us, we should consider what the average amount of electricity will produce per year,but also what maximum power it should have to meet our needs.

Photovoltaics: how much electricity will it produce per year. What factors affect the operation of the installation?

As mentioned, there are many factors that influence photovoltaics. How much electricity will the installation produce per year, this is a quantity to be estimated, but if we take them into account. We can eliminate these factors. We often influence them.

Sometimes we have no influence on them. Sometimes it is so that we just have to accept the situation as it is. First of all, let’s emphasize that if we are building a new house and want to install photovoltaic panels on it, we have the largest range of possibilities. Thanks to this, our power plant will produce as much electricity as possible, while reducing investment costs, because the impact on the amount of electricity produced by the photovoltaic per year is one thing and the efficiency is another. The angle at which our roof is built has an impact on the efficiency and final electricity production. How the roof is oriented towards the directions of the world is also very important.

Houses for solar farms are built differently in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. The more north or south we are on earth,the greater the impact. In addition, we still have to answer the question of whether our panels will be shaded, at least temporarily. Then the type of inverter installed has an impact on how much the photovoltaic will generate. Ultimately, the right choice of panels has an impact on how much photovoltaic will be able to produce electricity per year.

Influence of panels on the amount of electricity generated by photovoltaics per year

Broadly speaking, we divide solar panels into two main categories. These are monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels. Monocrystalline panels are commonly considered to be much better, although they are not the most frequently installed ones. Monocrystalline panels are most often installed for two reasons. The first ones are their high efficiency, which means that in houses with high energy consumption, but with a small roof, they are the only panels that we can install so that the photovoltaic produces the right amount of electricity per year. The second point is the aesthetic features.

Monocrystalline panels are black and look nice. Polycrystalline panels are most often in shades of blue and navy blue, which not everyone has to like. If we install monocrystalline panels with the same surface as polycrystalline panels,it is most likely our photovoltaic, it will produce even a dozen or so percent more electricity than polycrystalline panels. They simply work more efficiently, and in addition, they work more efficiently when the lighting intensity is quite low, which in Poland means that the amount of energy produced is much lower. When the light intensity falling on the panels is much lower (e.g. in autumn), the influence of this factor is smaller for monocrystalline panels, therefore they can produce more electricity per year.

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